Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Keep on Keeping on

I read a really wonderful article or quasi-article if you will by Neil Gaiman. I must admit that I'm a fan more of the author himself than his writing. That doesn't make sense....how's this: I like the way Neil Gaiman thinks, the ideas and stories he comes up with, but I'm not a huge fan of his writing style. Either way I admire him and this article is one reason why: Pep Talk from Neil Gaiman

On the writing front, I managed to get Jak to Asgard where he met his first giant. He of course also me the beautifully terrifying Hela and her wee little brother Jormungand, but all three meetings were brief and absolutely horrifying. Before I go back there I need to map out the entire city of Asgard. I'm not an architect I'm a writer. lol.

I'm a bit disheartened that no one has been reading my manuscript. I mean, everyone was gung-ho to see it, and I was happy to have fresh eyes look at it, but it's been nearly a month and no one's talking. They're either just not reading or it's so bad that they're afraid of hurting my feelings. This of course leaves me with mixed feelings.

When I finished the first draft, I was happy to have finished. And while I think it's a good story, a nice story, a disturbing story, I'm not sure it's a great story. I think that Jak and the Giants has the soul to shine that The Last Guardian lacks. So negative comments won't offend me much (ok my ego will feel them) because I will probably agree.

Continuing that thought, I think I'm doing the story a disservice by not being as brutal with it as I need to be. I think I need to really cut and cut and cut. I think it's too fat. I got caught up in word counts, but in the end, I think it may be about 20k to 30k too long. Time for both the novel and myself to go on a diet.

And there it is.

Word of the Day: Literary Liposuction

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