Monday, November 1, 2010

INCONVENIENT by Margie Gelbwasser

In fifteen-year-old Alyssa Bondar's Russian-Jewish culture, having a few drinks is as traditional asblinchiki and piroshki. So when her mom's midday cocktails turn into an all-day happy hour, it seems like Alyssa's the only one who notices—or cares. Her dad is steeped in the nightly news—and denial—and her best friend Lana is too busy trashing their shared Russian heritage so she can be popular.
Alyssa would rather focus on cross-country meets and her first kiss with her running partner, Keith, but someone has to clean up her mom's mess. But who will be there to catch Alyssa when her mom's next fall off the wagon threatens to drag her down, too?

First off, wish a happy release day to Margie!  INCONVENIENT is out today!  If you haven't read it, you need to.  I was lucky enough to read a copy and I have to say that it's wonderful.  Probably what I like best is that Margie is honest.  She's honest in the way she portray's her characters, the paths their lives take, and the consequences their actions have.  She never shies away from making the hard narrative choices and it's brilliant and beautiful.

But beyond that, Alyssa as a character is multifaceted and insecure and strong in ways she doesn't know, and beautiful, and caring.  Following her on her journey was both heartbreaking and wonderful.  Sometimes I wanted to reach through the pages and choke her but by the end I was in awe.

Margie's written a stellar book about love and loss and feeling like the only different person on the planet.  It will break your heart and make you laugh.  It's that amazing.  

So go check it out.  It's available at all the chains (Amazon, BN, Borders, Books-a-Million), and if your indie isn't carrying it, ask them for it.  Everyone should stock this book.

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