Friday, March 15, 2013

FML Fridays - Updates and Other Stuff

Happy Friday!

Friday is my favorite day of the week.  Not just because I get to post about FML, but because my long week slaving away at my desk is at an end.  I get two whole days to spend with Matt, catch up on reading, and time to write without having to clock-watch so I'm not late for work.

I had a touch of insomnia last night, so I'm a bit punchy and don't have a post planned.  But I thought that it would be a good time to do a catch up.  Share any FML news I have.

First off:  Bookmarks!  I have some.  I've got some that I've been meaning to mail off to my publisher and agent, so if you want some too (either a couple for yourself or a stack to hand out), drop me an email at and I'll get those out in the next couple of weeks.  They're pretty cool.

I'm planning on running my first Goodreads giveaway in April.  I'll give away as many ARCs as my publisher sends my way.  Then I'll do more giveaways in late May and all throughout June.

Speaking of June...I've got something really exciting planned.  I don't want to spill the beans just yet, but let's just say a lot of really cool people will be involved and there will be prizes.  Lots of prizes.

Last up:  it's about time for my book tattoo!  I got an image from Deathday tattooed on my wrist when it came out.  Back then, I didn't know if there would be any other books, so I didn't do much planning.  But with FML coming out, it's time to add to my tattoo.  My hope now is that it will grow into a sleeve that I can add to with each book I publish.

Here's where I need your help.  I am not an artist.  I don't know any good tattoo artists in my area (South Florida) but if you know anyone (or are an artist yourself) who might be willing to take a look at the tattoo I have (via picture if they're not local...which most people aren't) and the images I have from FML and help me design a concept that would allow me to incorporate future images from hopeful future books, I would crazy appreciative.

As a bonus, I'll even film the tattoo process and post it here for your amusement.

Have a great weekend everyone!

1 comment:

Keep it clean, keep it classy, and jokes are always appreciated.